| 1300 678 669
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a “stoma”?
A stoma is a surgically created opening in the abdominal wall for the evacuation of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract or urine when normal function is no longer possible. People with a stoma usually wear a disposable bag (known as an appliance) over the stoma attached to the abdomen to catch output.
What is the Stoma Appliance Scheme?
The Stoma Appliance Scheme is a specialised pharmaceutical benefits scheme administered through the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care. The scheme provides free ostomy appliances to Australian Medicare cardholders who meet the Department’s eligibility criteria. See here for more information about the Stoma Appliance Scheme.
Persons wishing to access subsidised appliances through the Stoma Appliance Scheme must be a member of one of the 21 National Associations located throughout Australia and pay a compulsory annual Stoma Appliance Scheme Access (SAS) Fee.
Where can I get my ostomy supplies?
Subsidised ostomy supplies are available through the Stoma Appliance Scheme via NSW Stoma Ltd or one of the other 20 Stoma Associations across Australia. Members of the scheme pay a compulsory yearly Access Fee to their association of choice to access the scheme. Please see our ordering page for more information about joining and ordering arrangements. For details about the location of other Associations, click here.
Should I tell my friends and family about my stoma?
Whether or not you should tell your friends and family about your stoma surgery is entirely up to you. Some people like to keep their condition private while others are quite open about it. Either way, it is important to remember that stoma surgery is life-saving surgery and is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.
What are the different types of stoma?
The most common types of stoma are colostomy (where the stoma is formed from the large intestine), ileostomy (where the stoma is formed from the small intestine), and urostomy, also known as an ileil conduit (for the evacuation of urine from the kidneys). Other types of stoma include a MACE, Mitronoff and Chait button.
Can I go swimming with a stoma?
Most persons with a stoma can swim without fear of appliance leakage. Some ostomy suppliers offer a bag intended to be used during activities such as swimming but all appliances can be worn in the water. Those people using an appliance with a filter may like to cover the filter with a stick-on cover. Some of the newer filters are Teflon-coated which means that a filter cover is no longer necessary.
Can I travel with my stoma?
Having a stoma should not stop you from travelling and many of our members travel internationally on a regular basis. It is a good idea to keep a good supply of appliances in your carry-on luggage, just in case your checked luggage is misplaced. Remember to precut any appliances before you go as you wont be able to take scissors onto the plane with you. If travelling internationally, contact the Association to arrange a Travel Certificate which explains your condition in several languages to assist with any Customs enquiries. For members travelling for extended periods of time, Australia does have reciprocal health agreements in place with some countries which may cover ostomy supplies. See here for more details about Reciprocal Health Agreements.
Persons travelling through Sydney Airport may like to take advantage of the Sydney Airport Hidden Disabilities initiative.
What if I am having trouble with my stoma?
If you are experiencing problems with your stoma, please contact your stomal therapy nurse or medical practitioner. In case of emergency, please attend the emergency department of your nearest hospital or phone 000 for an ambulance.
Please note that Association staff and volunteers cannot provide medical advice or assistance. To contact the NSW Stoma Ltd Stomal Therapy Nurse, please make an appointment via email or text to:
Anne Marie Lyons STN
Mob: 0468 582 951