
NSW Stoma Ltd is a registered charity dedicated to the support of its members who have undergone surgery resulting in a colostomy, ileostomy, urostomy/ileal conduit or other external pouch procedure.

Our primary focus is to raise the standard of care and wellbeing for all ostomates by representing you and advocating for you to government, both federal and state. Providing you with information, encouragement and emotional support is also an important part of our role and we do this through our website, journal, member information days and through our Stomal Therapy Clinic. Additionally, from time to time a member may find themselves in dire financial circumstances, even homeless, and need extra support from us in the form of subsidised membership or other needs. We are dedicated to help our members, no matter the circumstances, and are always proud and happy to help in any way we can.

Should you wish to donate to us, your donation will help in turn help us to continue to provide these vital services into the future.

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

We acknowledge our donors in our journal, and with your permission on donation, would acknowledge you in our next edition. We believe this helps encourage others to donate, too.

To make a donation…

Via Electronic Funds Transfer

Account Name: NSW Stoma Ltd

BSB: 012-205     Account No: 299264819

Please use your name as reference and email your remittance advice to: A receipt will be emailed to you.


Via Credit Card

 Online Payment Form



Via Cheque

Please make cheque out to:

NSW Stoma Ltd

And mail to: NSW Stoma Ltd, PO Box 164, Camperdown, NSW, 1450.