
How to ensure your last gift is one that makes lasting changes


Many of us have the desire to leave this world a better place than we found it.  Leaving a bequest to NSW Stoma Ltd will ensure your last gift is one that makes a lasting change. Bequests are critical to NSW Stoma and the members we support.  They enable us to safeguard the vital services we provide to our members now and in the future. These services include providing our members with information, education, encouragement, and emotional support through our website, journal, our monthly support meetings, regional and urban information and education days, and of course, our free Stomal Therapy Clinic. Additionally, from time to time a member may find themselves in dire financial circumstances, even homeless, and need extra support from us in the form of subsidised membership or other needs. Your bequest ensures we can continue that assistance.

How to leave a bequest

Speak to a solicitor about leaving a bequest to NSW Stoma Ltd.

They will make sure your estate is distributed in a way that meets your wishes.  If you don’t have a solicitor, The Law Society can provide suitable direction. The NSW Trustee and Guardian can also assist.

Sample wording to leave a gift to NSW Stoma Ltd:

I [insert name here] bequeath to NSW Stoma Limited, (ACN 610218338) 5/7-29 Bridge Road, Stanmore 2048, NSW, for its general purposes and for the benefit of its members [choose the appropriate option from the list below]:

the whole of my estate

[insert number] percentage of my estate

the residue of my estate

[insert number] $ [amount]

Free from all duties and taxes payable at my death, and I declare the receipt of an executive officer or other authorised officer of NSW Stoma Limited at the time, shall be full and sufficient discharge for my Executor(s).

For further information or to discuss your bequest, please contact NSW Stoma Ltd on 1300 678 669 or contact us.