| 1300 678 669
Disabled Toilet Cards
Need to Use a Wheelchair Accessible Toilet?
Have you ever been too embarrassed to use a disabled toilet when you have to change or empty your ostomy appliance? Or have you ever been challenged when entering or leaving a disabled toilet (wheelchair accessible)?
Where available, a disabled toilet will provide the privacy and space needed for an ostomate change or empty their appliance. However, to the general public, most ostomates do not appear as if they should be using them. Unfortunately, sometimes, this may garner a look or an unkind word from an unknowing member of the public.
To help avoid such problems, an information card has been provided to all NSW Stoma Limited members. Keep the handy card in your wallet or purse for quick access if needed.
You can also show this card when asking to use the toilet at a shop, restaurant, or other business. It doesn’t guarantee access to their toilets (as every business has different health and safety rules), but it does prove you have a genuine medical condition that requires the urgent use of a toilet. You more than likely will find that most places will try to help you.

Can’t find a toilet?
Go to to find one near you. There’s also an app you can download!