Becoming a Member

Register for the Stoma Appliance Scheme

Once you have had ostomy surgery, your Stomal Therapy Nurse will assist you to register as a participant in the Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS), subject to you meeting the eligibility criteria. Your Stomal Therapy Nurse will ask you to complete Part 1 of a Stoma Appliance Scheme Application Form. Your Stomal Therapy Nurse will then complete Part 2 to confirm your eligibility.

Apply for membership at a registered Stoma Association

To obtain products through the SAS, a SAS participant must be a member of an approved stoma association.  Your Stomal Therapy Nurse will usually assist you with becoming a member of an association. Otherwise, download an application form or contact us to obtain a hard copy of our Application Form.

Submit documentation and your first order

Your Stomal Therapy Nurse (STN) will assist you to select ostomy products from the list of products available on the SAS Schedule.  The products will be those your Stomal Therapy Nurse has determined are necessary for you to manage your ostomy. This list of products will be become your initial order. Often, your STN will submit your first order and paperwork on your behalf. If not, submit your:

      • Stoma Appliance Scheme Application (Part 1 and Part 2 to be completed);
      • NSW Stoma Ltd Membership Application;
      • A copy of your Medicare card and concession card (if applicable); and
      • Initial order


    • Email:;
      Fax: (02) 9565 4317; or

    • Post: NSW Stoma Limited, PO Box 164, Camperdown NSW 1450

Make sure that you include payment (association membership and postage payment if applicable) to ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible.