| 1300 678 669
About Us
Our Mission
NSW Stoma is a not-for-profit, member-based organisation that aims to improve the quality of life for ostomates by providing support, representation, information and medical supplies.
Formerly the Colostomy Association of NSW, NSW Stoma Limited was incorporated in 2016 as a not-for-profit Australian Company Limited by Guarantee and is governed by a board of directors.
We are dedicated to the support of members who have undergone surgery resulting in a Colostomy, Ileostomy, Urostomy/Ileal Conduit or other external pouch procedures.
NSW Stoma Ltd is funded by the handling fees we receive for supply of appliances through the Stoma Appliance Scheme and its access fees, as well as membership fees. We make a small profit on postage fees and cash sales and receive interest on invested funds.
As a charity, NSW Stoma relies heavily on the generous support of our volunteers and member donations to ensure our members continued access to the support they need to manage their stoma.
NSW Stoma Ltd is endorsed as an income tax-exempt charity and a deductible gift recipient and is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC).
NSW Stoma Ltd is a proud member of the Australian Council of Stoma Associations.